Tips To Help You Choose Your Line To Catch Grouper
Lately, the grouper population has been at risk due to overfishing. They are being harvested faster than they can reproduce. There are several different types of grouper including the Nassau grouper, yellowedge grouper and the Warsaw grouper just to name a few.
The fish that were once abundant in our ocean seem to be disappearing. Instead of taking chances by fishing illegally, why not be smart about the fish you catch?
There are so many options when it comes to choosing a line for catching grouper. Depending on the type of grouper you are hoping to capture, there is a best fishing line to use! Here's what you need to know:
Nassau Grouper - This grouper is native to the Bahamas and lives in saltwater. The Nassau grouper's favorite food is crustaceans, however they will also feed on other fish. When fishing for them, use a line that has 20-30 pound test if you are using traditional tackle (rod and reel). If you plan on using artificial bait and a downrigger, use a line with 50-80 pound test.
Yellowedge Grouper - This grouper is native to the southeast area of Florida and lives in saltwater. It eats crustaceans and smaller fish. The best fishing line for this type of grouper is 40-50 pound test.
If you are fishing with traditional tackle, use a line with 30-40 pound test. If you are using artificial bait and downrigger, use a line with 50-80 pound test.
Warsaw Grouper - This grouper is native to the south Carolina area and lives in saltwater. It eats crabs, mollusks and fish. Use 20-30 pound test fishing line with traditional tackle. For artificial bait and downrigger, use a line with 50-80 pound test.
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