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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2022

Boating Safety Tips for Hunters

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  If you're an avid hunter, then chances are you've considered using a boat to help you get around in the great outdoors. After all, what could be more convenient than being able to travel by water to reach your hunting grounds? However, before you set out on your next hunting adventure, it's important to keep boating safety in mind. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: 1. Always wear a life jacket. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it's important to always wear a life jacket while you're on the water - even if you're an experienced swimmer. If something were to happen and you ended up in the water, a life jacket could literally save your life. 2. Be aware of your surroundings. When you're out on the open water, it's important to always be aware of your surroundings. This means keeping an eye out for other boats, as well as potential obstacles in the water that could cause you to capsize. 3. Don't drink and boat. Just like you shouldn't drink ...

What Variables Should I Consider When Catching Catfish?

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  There are a few important things to consider when catching catfish . The most important factor is choosing the right bait. Catfish are scavengers and will eat anything, so experiment until you find something they're attracted to. Other factors to consider include: - The size of the catfish You'll need to use a heavier weight and larger bait if you're targeting bigger catfish. - The location Catfish prefer murky water, so look for areas where the bottom is muddied up. - The time of day Catfish are more active at night, so try fishing around dusk or after dark. Bottom line Be patient, experiment with different baits, and pay attention to the factors listed above to increase your chances of catching a catfish! More social: http://fishinghacking.simplesite.com/ https://linkhay.com/u/jamesfishing https://www.folkd.com/user/jamesfishing https://list.ly/fishinghacking-com https://twitter.com/Jameluvfishing